

Hello Francesco,thanks VERY much for the MP3.
Overhere (at work) I am not able to listen toit, but I'll surely do this at home this evenening.
And Yes I was on air on 6-03-2005 (instead of 6-02 :-) ) that time on 6300 and 6305 Khz.I have attached an info sheet about R.Boomerang
Thanks again.

Dear radio-friend,

In this leter you will find some short background information about radio Boomerang and his operator.

Radio Boomerang is a free radio station configured for transmitting on the most common frequencies in the medium- or short wave range. Mostly however, in the 180, 76 or 48 meter band.
At he moment, on medium wave a kind of dipole antenna at 20 meters high is used. It can be switched as a dipole or as a ‘T’ antenna. On short wave I am using some kind of an inverted-V alike antenna.
The power fed into the antenna is about 800 watts. The transmitter that is mostly used consists of a driving stage containing 10 IC's, 6 transistors and 2 tubes and a power amplifier containing a single power tube. The so called modulator for audio amplification is built around 4 triodes in push-pull. All the equipment (including test- and receiving equipment) is home made. The QTH is the city of Neede, which is located in the mid-east of the Netherlands near the German border.

At the moment, I (Arie, the operator) am 45 years old, married, and have two kids. Furthermore I am working as a computer engineer an I am practising the (free) radio hobby since about 1976. First only on medium wave (with sometimes 'big' power) and later on short wave (with less power).

I am not a regular ‘program supplier’ because I am more technically interested. Most of my free time I spend with building equipment for reception and reception measurements like receivers, panoramic adapters and so on.
Between that I develop and test different kind of antenna systems. This both in real life and as computer simulations. At the right, for instance, you see the radiation pattern for the antenna used in october 2003.

Best wishes from:

Arie (Operator Radio Boomerang),

Po-box 73, 7160 AB, Neede, Holland.
(Email: box73@gmx.net)

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