

Nel cospicuo bouquet del fine settimana di Channel 292 l'emittente tedesca che opera sui 6070 KHz, è compresa anche questa interessante trasmissione in lingua inglese dal titolo "Media magazine" prodotta da Chelmsford Calling World Service organizzazione inglese che si occupa di radio e telecomunicazioni. La trasmissione è andata in onda oggi, 5 aprile 2015 alle ore 16.00 UTC attraverso il sito trasmittente tedesco. ASCOLTA LA CLIP AUDIO . Queste le note di presentazione in lingua inglese riprese dal sito dell'associazione http://www.chelmsfordcalling.com/ .

Welcome to The Chelmsford Calling Network - promoting radio technology & celebrating our wireless heritage. We are in Chelmsford UK, credited as the 'birthplace of radio' & currently home to a number of new & innovative projects.

Our radio ventures include :

    - programming for international short wave stations & local radio services...
      - presenting talks on radio broadcast history...
        - transcribing specialist publications for visually impaired colleagues...
          - operating RSL (short term) radio stations & a community radio service...
            - supporting & training amateur radio 'hams'...
              - arranging fund-raising social events...
                - advising interested groups on RSL / LPAM & community services...

We are currently involved with various radio groups & are happy to help with any radio related ventures. Our experience & passion for radio means we are well placed to assist & promote a wide variety of radio projects.

For more details of past, present & future projects, use the 'Sitemap' & 'Events' links in the header menu. Items are also listed under the radio headings of 'Broadcast' & 'Amateur'.  

Please feel free to get in touch with us - we look forward to hearing from you !

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