

Radio Atlantic 2000 International è una delle realtà èiù vetuste per quanto riguarda le radio libere o amatroriali che affollano l'etere soprattutto nei fine settimana. Atlantic 2000 international è una emittente bilingue e diffonde i suoi programmi in inglese e francese. Attualmente utilizza il relay bavarese di Radio 292 che opera con 10 kilowatt sulla frequenza di 6070 KHz. L'ascolto che vi proponiamo è relativo alla trasmissione di domenica 11 ottobre 2012 a partire dalle 8.00 UTC con l'inizio della trasmissione in lingua francese.Nel post riportiamo la storia dell'emittente così come descritta in inglese sul proprio sito  http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr/

Radio Atlantic 2000 International broadcast in english and french language the sunday mornings on 6070 KHz


 We transmitted for the first time on shortwave on June 6th, 1982 on 7325 kHz.
But in fact, the name of "Atlantic 2000" is very much older.  In 1956, Radio Andorra is not received very well on the Atlantic coast. Its owner, Jacques Trémoulet, decided to rent airtime to a Spanish station of the SER network, Radio San Sebastian. Thus was born Radio Atlantic, transmitting from Spain to the French Atlantic coast. But due to a lack of advertising revenue, the station closed down in 1960. In 1968, Jacques Trémoulet came back on the Basque Coast. He rented airtime to another Spanish station named " la Voz de Guipuzcoa", transmitting from the Ulia Mount, near San Sebastian. He launched Radio Ocean. The station transmitted several hours per day in French language on 273 meters on medium wave. Jacques Trémoulet passed away in 1971. His successors did not want to continue Radio Ocean.
The station came under the control of the French newspaper Sud-Ouest, directed by Henri Amourouxand became Atlantic 2000 in 1972. During the following years, Atlantic 2000 continued to transmit on 273 meters, and became popular in the
South West of FranceIn 1974, Henri Amouroux leaves the newspaper Sud-Ouest. His successors are not interested by Atlantic 2000, and the station has financial problems. In 1975, due to the death of General Franco, a national bereavement forced all Spanish stations to play classical music without advertising during several weeks.
Transmitting from Spain, Atlantic 2000 is concerned by this decision. The management of the station used this pretext for close down the station for good. But in 1978, the listeners of the French Atlantic coast heard a new station named Atlantic 2000, playing
pop music on 101 MHz FM.
In tribute to the station disappeared 3 years earlier, our team relaunched Atlantic 2000. 
 The new Atlantic 2000 began broadcasting at the end of 1978 on 101 MHz FM.
A few weeks later, the station was switching on a second transmitter on 95 MHz, broadcasting simultaneously on 101 and 95 MHz for a short time. The frequency of 101 MHz was abandoned on December 31st, 1978.
Each weekend, and during the summer, Atlantic 2000 continued its regular broadcasts on 95 MHz until the end of summer 1981. The station produced some new transmissions on 95 MHz in early 1982. Atlantic 2000 International was broadcasting for the first time on short wave on June 6th, 1982 on 7325 kHz.
We were on the air usually every month until July 1988.
Some frequencies were tested, on the 48, 41, 38 and 26 meter bands.
The best results were obtained on the 41 meter band. After more 19 years of silence, Atlantic 2000 was back on the air on October 28th, 2007 on 6280 and 6210 kHz.
 From 2008 to 2010, we broadcasted from Italy, by using the transmitters of Mystery Radio, and then Radio AmicaFrom December 2010, we broadcasted on 6005, and later on 7310 kHz, from Kall-Krekel in Germany, who is the transmitting site of Radio 700. Since October 2011, Atlantic 2000 is occasionally using the relay service of MV Baltic Radio, from Göhren in Germany. The current frequencies of this transmitter are 7265 and 9485 kHz. On Sunday, March 22nd of 2015, Atlantic 2000 transmitted with a power of 10 kW on 9865 kHz via Radio Revival from Sala in Sweden.
 Since the 14th of June 2015, Atlantic 2000 uses the transmitter of Channel 292, transmitting on 6070 kHz from
Rohrbach Waal in Germany.

Since the beginning of our shortwave transmissions, we received a lot of reception reports from Austria,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan,
Kazakhstan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,
Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA, Ukraine, and more countries via several
web receivers in Europe.

Atlantic 2000 can be listened all around the world on the Internet.
We have a lot of connections. Many listeners are now interested by this new transmission mode.

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