Normalmente interferita in maniera pesante da Radio Cesky Impuls, in isofrequenza, questa sera Radio 3 Classica, ritrasmessa attraverso il sito triestino di Monte Radio con 10 KW di potenza, arriva con un ottimo segnale, quasi da ascolto locale se non fosse per un leggero fading e qualche disturbo atmosferico. Solita programmazione di musica classica con identificazione in sloveno alle ore 22.00 UTC come da clip allegata. Durante le ore del giorno, dalle 6 alle 18.35 UTC la frequenza viene impegnata dai programmi locali in sloveno di TRST-A.
Normally heavily interfered with by Radio Cesky Impuls, in isofrequency, this evening Radio 3 Classica, relayed through the Trieste site of Monte Radio with 10 KW of power, arrives with an excellent signal, almost from local listening if it were not for a slight fading and some atmospheric disturbances. Usual programming of classical music with identification in Slovenian at 22.00 UTC as per the attached clip. During the hours of the day, from 6 to 18.35 UTC the frequency is engaged by the local programs in Slovenian of TRST-A.
Yes, one of the two Chech transmitters have been closed down at the end of last year.
ReplyDeletethe Domamil based outlet is now silent. and Algeria is also left for many years now.
so now it remains only one interfering station from Czech, instead of formerly two.