

Qualche sera fa sulla frequenza dei 9275 KHz, banda dei 31 metri si è ascoltato il segnale della WMLK una delle emittenti religiose statunitensi che operano in onde corte. Il sito trasmittente è ubicato presso la località di Bethel nello Stato della Pennsylvania. Il format delle trasmissioni non si discosta molto da quello delle altre emittenti religiose ed è caratterizzato da una lunga serie di sermoni, intervllati di tanto in tanto dall'identificazione della stazione che è la voce dell'organizzazione "Assemblies of Yahweh" fondata dal pastore Elder Jacob O. Meyer che ne è stato anche la voce radiofonica fino alla sua morte avvenuta nell'anno 2010. La stazione è on air fin dalla matà degli anni 80. Questa è una breve storia tratta dal sito dell'emittente: 

"WMLK Radio has been broadcasting fulltime since 1985. We began Short-wave broadcasting using a RCA BTA-50G, which was modified to accommodate the Short-wave frequency spectrum. This 50KW unit has brought in response from all the major continents of the world. Currently we are sending communications to over 125 counties. The need to cover our target areas with a stronger signal became apparent after we were broadcasting for several years. Recently we have purchased a BBC 250KW unit to enhance the outreach of WMLK Radio. This unit is now installed at our WMLK Radio site. We will begin using this unit very shortly so look at our time and frequency page for this important information. We hope you will enjoy listening to WMLK Radio! You will also find this site will link to the Assemblies of Yahweh website and our other new website The Sacred Name Broadcaster website as well! So please enjoy the productions of these three websites from the headquarters of this ministry located in Bethel, PA 19507."

Negli ultimi tempi i tecnici della stazione hanno lavorato per un adeguamento tecnologico degli impianti di trasmissione e una descrizione di questa attività è riportata nel loro profilo Facebook: 

"The Engineer has visited WMLK Radio and continued his upgrading process. Changing the Analog circuitry to Digital circuitry components in many critical areas of the TX operations. Many of the components (analog) were old and outdated. This caused many failures in the operational processes of the TX. The streamlining of critical circuitry has resulted in increased performance. The audio has improved as well as the efficiency of the TX since updates were added. 
Also, the meter monitors that the Engineer has installed to date, allows internal viewing of each stage of operation to be seen while the TX is operational. Usually to see these readings required the use of testing equipment while the set was off or in a semi-operational mode. This has made the monitoring much easier. 
The Engineer came right after knee replacement surgery. Although he was in recovery and pain, he set that aside and worked very diligently to improve the TX. He, like many in this profession are labeled, (what is called/known as, "old school"), pushed through his affliction and made the improvements! We are grateful for his diligence! We look forward to his return visit! 
Thanks to each and every one who supports this outreach".

Questa la clip audio con l'identificazione della stazione registrata alcune sere fa sulla banda dei 31 metri.

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