Here are my latest loggings from Denmark on the AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
4750.0 2120-2135 CHN 01-09 Voice of China, X'ian Chinese talk, ann 25232 heard // 4460 (35343), 4800 (45444), 5030 (33443) and 9890 (35343) AP-DNK
N4790.15 0330-0555 PRU 01+02-09 R Visión, Chiclayo reactivated Spanish religious talks, hymns, frequent time ann (UTC -5)transmissions from mass each night with a priest shouting "Gloria, Gloria, Gloria -- Halleluyah" for half an hour and the congregation crying, 0436 complete R Visión ID, ann 4790 kHz 34333, weaker on 02 Sep: 25232 AP-DNK
4805 0050-0101* B 29-08 R Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, AM Portuguese ann, Brazilian pop songs, 0100 closing ann with ID 35333 AP-DNK
4950 0105-0115 IND 29-08 R Kashmir, Srinagar Kashmiri interview 35333 AP-DNK
5952.5 0130-0145 BOL 29-08 R Pio XII, Siglo XX Quechoa discussion 22332 QRM 5950 AP-DNK
6045 *1200-1300* D Su 02-09 MV Baltic Radio, via Juelich German/English ann 3 years Birthday programme with local talks and heavy rock songs presented by Roland Rothe 55555. Following broadcasts on Sundays at 1200: Sep 16 EMR (new QSL), Sep 23 R Gloria and Oct 07 MV Baltic R AP-DNK
6170 1555-1600 FIN Sa 01-09 Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat Finnish ann, Finnish pop songs 33333 QRM Croatia 6165 (QSA 5), also heard very weak at 1015: 15321 // 11690 AP-DNK
7175 1600-1700 ERI 01-09 Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, Asmara (p) Vernaculars news, talks and songs from Horn of Africa, probably change of language at 1630, Eritrea mentioned three times, 1645 a native song mentioning Somali twice 32433 All the time covered by a possible Ethiopian music jammer playing non-stop Middle East songs (QSA 4). From *1655 also other QRM AP-DNK
11690 1015-1020 FIN Sa 01-09 Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat Finnish ann, Finnish pop songs 23332 fighting with an Arabic speaking station AP-DNK
N15665.03 *1959-2100* Fr 31-08 Voice of Biafra International, via WHRA, Greenbush, ME English opening ann with four ID's like: "This is the Voice of Biafra International broadcasting to you from Washington, D.C. on 15.67 MHz frequency in the 19 meterband", African song, 2004 news about Biafra, political comments against Nigeria 34333 Heterodyne. This replaces the Saturday broadcast on 7380 which was not heard 01 Sep AP-DNK
Best 73,
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