Come faccio da un po' di tempo anche oggi ero in ascolto sul CH16 VHF marino. ICOM IC700 e antenna esterna. Passano le solite comunicazioni da e per il locale compamare quando ad un certo punto ricevo un MAYDAY. Alzo il volume e mi concentro. Imbarcazione a vela, svizzera, al largo di San Vito lo capo. Una voce femminile con forte accento tedesco nel suo italiano lancia il mayday dando posizione e problema. Imbarca acqua e non governa più. Tutti i sistemi sono SHOUT DOWN tranne la radio che evidentemente va con una batteria sua. Risponde compamare Palermo che passa il controllo a Palermo Radio che a sua volta passa il contatto a locamare Castellammare del Golfo. Bravi, veloci e professionali con calma, mentre la donna manifesta evidente agitazione, mantengono il controllo della situazione. Partono velocemente e li raggiungono portandoli al sicuro in banchina. Anche se da 28 anni indosso un'altra uniforme adoro la Guardia Costiera. Soprattutto per le infinite ed interminabili collaborazioni con loro a Lampedusa durante le mie missioni di lavoro.Gente cazzuta credetemi! Ascoltare con quale competenza, senza perdere la flemma tipica di chi sa il fatto suo, hanno gestito l'emergenza mi ha fatto quasi commuovere. Un bel lavoro davvero! Ho preso il tel ed ho chiamato l'amico che so essere di turno alla loro C.O. e gli ho portato i miei complimenti e le mie congratulazioni. La radio! Che fenomenale invenzione !
Da una testimonianza del radioamatore Rosario Roy Orlando
How can I be a bit 'of time today I was listening on the marine VHF CH16. ICOM IC700 and external antenna. Pass the usual communications to and from the local Compamare when at some point I get a MAYDAY. I turn up the volume and concentrate. Sailing boat, Swiss, off of San Vito Lo Capo. A female voice with a strong German accent in her Italian launches mayday giving location and problem. Embarks water and no longer governs the ship. All systems are SHOUT DOWN except radio evidently it goes with its own battery. Responds Compamare Palermo passing control to Palermo Radio which in turn passes the contact to Locamare Castellammare del Golfo. Good, fast and professional calmly, while the woman manifests obvious agitation, maintain control of the situation. They leave quickly and reach them by bringing safe in the dock. Although 28-year wear another uniform adore the Coast Guard. Especially for the endless and endless collaborations with them in Lampedusa during my missions work. Guys crap believe me! Listen with what competence, without losing the typical phlegm of who knows her, they handled the emergency made me almost moved. A really nice job! I picked up the phone and I called my friend that I know is on duty to their A.C. and I brought him my compliments and congratulations. Radio! That phenomenal invention!
Source: radiomateur Rosario Roy Orlando
warning for purists of the English language:
text was translated using google translator
How can I be a bit 'of time today I was listening on the marine VHF CH16. ICOM IC700 and external antenna. Pass the usual communications to and from the local Compamare when at some point I get a MAYDAY. I turn up the volume and concentrate. Sailing boat, Swiss, off of San Vito Lo Capo. A female voice with a strong German accent in her Italian launches mayday giving location and problem. Embarks water and no longer governs the ship. All systems are SHOUT DOWN except radio evidently it goes with its own battery. Responds Compamare Palermo passing control to Palermo Radio which in turn passes the contact to Locamare Castellammare del Golfo. Good, fast and professional calmly, while the woman manifests obvious agitation, maintain control of the situation. They leave quickly and reach them by bringing safe in the dock. Although 28-year wear another uniform adore the Coast Guard. Especially for the endless and endless collaborations with them in Lampedusa during my missions work. Guys crap believe me! Listen with what competence, without losing the typical phlegm of who knows her, they handled the emergency made me almost moved. A really nice job! I picked up the phone and I called my friend that I know is on duty to their A.C. and I brought him my compliments and congratulations. Radio! That phenomenal invention!
Source: radiomateur Rosario Roy Orlando
warning for purists of the English language:
text was translated using google translator
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