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828 14/5 08.20 Z100 - z100milano@ondemedie.am IT MX buono
873 10/5 22.35 R. Zaragoza - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono
1035 13/5 23.55 Northsound 2 - Aberdeen EE ID e MX buono
1224 8/5 21.58 COPE - Lleida Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono
1350 12/5 22.40 I AM R. - info@iamradio.am IT Test 10 watt buono
1368 8/5 20.30 UNID zona Milano - no stop MX no ID buono
1377 8/5 20.20 IRIB - Paveh Farsi talk suff.
1530 13/5 03.35 VoA - Sao Tome' EE commento SE asiatico buono
1593 13/5 23.25 R. Bretagne 5 - Quessoy FF MX buono
4765 13/5 03.10 R. Progreso - Habana SS NX buono
4875 13/5 03.20 R. Dif. Roraima - Boa Vista PP MX buono
4950 13/5 03.15 R. Nacional - Luanda PP MX buono
5940 13/5 23.20 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP predica suff.
6070 10/5 17.00 IBC - ibc@europe.com IT ID buono
6160 13/5 23.15 CKZN - St. John's EE MX suff.
6185 13/5 03.30 R. Educacion - Mexico D.F. SS ID e MX buono
6220 13/5 23.45 Laser Hot Hits - studio@laserhothits.co.uk EE ID e MX buono
6235 14/5 08.40 R. Casanova - radiocasanova@hotmail.com EE ID e MX buono
6305 14/5 08.55 R. Quintus - radioquintus@hotmail.com Dutch ID e MX buono
7120 10/5 16.15 R. Hargeisa - Somalo talk buono
9650 13/5 23.10 R. Guinee' - Conakry FF fete de la Televion National buono
9790 14/5 09.00 AWR - Firenze IT Obiettivo DX by Roberto Scaglione ottimo
9820 8/5 20.10 R. 9 de Julho - Sao Paulo PP predica suff.
9930 7/5 12.35 T8WH - Palau EE predica buono
10000 8/5 20.05 Obs. Nac. - Rio de Janeiro PP ID e ora suff.
11600 7/5 16.20 Denge Kurdistan - info@denge-kurdistane.com Curdo NX
11750 7/5 16.30 Sri Lanka BC - Colombo Cingalese MX buono
11765 8/5 20.00 R. Deus è Amor - Curitiba PP predica buono
12120 11/5 17.30 R. Pilipinas - Manila EE NX suff.
15555USB 10/5 16.30 WJHR - Milton EE predica suff.
As a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck off the coast of the Solomon Islands, triggering a tsunami warning across the Pacific, many residents of the tiny country would have turned to shortwave radio for more information. The tsunami warning has since been called off, though assessments of damage from the quake are not yet complete.
Sadly, this vital communication service is under threat in this already under-resourced region.
AAP/United States Geological Survey
For almost 80 years, Australia has provided such shortwave services, including vital emergency service information, to Asia and the Pacific. But government funding cuts saw Asian services turned off in January 2015. And now the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has decided to cut the remaining services to residents of remote parts of the Pacific, Papua New Guinea and parts of northern Australia by ceasing its shortwave radio services to the Pacific from the end of January 2017.
The ABC has argued the shortwave transmissions, which can travel thousands of kilometres and be picked up by low-cost transmitters run on batteries or solar power, are outdated. Michael Mason, ABC’s Director of Radio said:
While shortwave technology has served audiences well for many decades, it is now nearly a century old and serves a very limited audience. The ABC is seeking efficiencies and will instead service this audience through modern technology.
The problem is, of course, that in remote places in the Pacific, particularly in Melanesian nations such as Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands, there is no access to an FM signal, limited internet and, where internet is available, it is expensive.
Advances in technology such as low-earth orbit satellites, which provide high speed global internet services, show promise. But, as yet, the receiving technology is expensive and the receivers aren’t available in rural and remote area.
How shortwave evades censors
The ABC has said it will replace international shortwave services with digital services including a web stream, in-country FM transmitters, an Australia Plus expats app and partner websites and apps such as TuneIn radio and vTurner.
There was no mention of the use of updates to shortwave technologies, such as Digital Radio Mondiale, which is being used by Radio New Zealand, or using shortwave for digital data transmission, which can’t be censored or jammed.
The move away from shortwave to FM transmissions and digital and mobile services has been accelerated despite the fact that FM frequencies can easily be shut down by disaffected political leaders, as happened in Fiji in 2009 on the order of then self-appointed Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama.
It was a matter of national pride at the time for the ABC to be providing independent information for Fijians via shortwave, with then managing director of the corporation, Mark Scott, highlighting a text message sent from inside Fiji to the ABC, which read “We are trying to listen to you online but are having difficulty. Please keep broadcasting. You are all we have”.
Fiji’s Frank Bainimarama shut down FM service in 2009. Tim Wimborne/Reuters
Shortwave radio has played a valuable role in getting information to communities in the middle of civil disturbance, such as in East Timor in the lead up to independence.
In Burma, it was internal leaders who sought the shortwave services. In 2009, Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi called on Australia to provide shortwave broadcasts. At the time the ABC’s director of international, Murray Green, said the move reflected the ABC’s ongoing commitment to serving people in those parts of Asia and the Pacific who live without press freedom. Even before this announcement was made, the price of shortwave radios was increased in Burma’s Sittwe market.
Keeping people safe from disaster
It isn’t just a matter of providing information to censored countries. Shortwave also provides a reliable source of information, particularly during natural disasters.
Shortwave provides vital warnings of tsunamis to outlying island nations. It was a lasting communication method after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, and was vital in the response to 2015’s Cyclone Pam, which devastated Vanuatu.
The aftermath of Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu, 2015. Reuters
Shortwave transmissions go over mountains and seas, have a longer range, and don’t fall over and twist in storms like FM radio towers. The Pacific Freedom Forum, a regional media freedom and ethics monitoring and advocacy NGO, said in a statement:
It’s clear that no thought was given to the link between disaster communications and this service, or even the fact that FM is largely unreliable in bad weather and only available in urban areas.
Shortwave is seen as a vital part of keeping communities safe. As an ABC correspondent wrote on their Facebook page, and as technology reporter Peter Marks mentioned on air, after Cyclone Pam:
We expected the worst. Death, injury, hunger. But when we arrived, the Dillons Bay village chief … told me they knew the cyclone was approaching, so they sheltered in the two solid buildings in the village. Most houses were flattened but not a single injury. I asked him how he knew the cyclone was approaching. He said, ‘ABC Radio’.
New Zealand and the UK take on China
The cuts to the shortwave services at the ABC are just the latest in a long line of budget savings to its international services.
While other cuts to the broadcaster garnered many headlines, the ABC has cut the shortwave, and also quietly closed its Vietnamese, Khmer and Burmese language services on December 2 2016. The French-language service to the French Pacific is due to end in February 2017.
Shortwave saves lives. Matt Kieffer, CC BY-SA
Thankfully for Pacific nations, while Australia is dialling back its shortwave services, New Zealand’s RNZ International is maintaining Pacific-wide shortwave transmission. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has also announced a major boost to its international broadcasts, including producing shortwave radio programmes for North Korea. The BBC is fearful of the rise of state-backed broadcasters such as China’s CCTV, Qatar’s Al Jazeera, and Russia’s RT.
The Pacific appears to be a specific concern for China, with Australia’s Lowy Institute tracking the extent of China’s aid programme in the Pacific at more than 200 projects worth $US1.4 billion since 2006 and the state owned Xinhua News Agency actively covering the Asia Pacific.
In light of this, the BBC clearly recognises a need to boost its international broadcasting, using shortwave to beat censors in autocratic regimes.
It is a great shame for the Pacific that Australia no longer agrees.
SOURCE: https://theconversation.com/pacific-nations-lose-shortwave-radio-services-that-evade-dictators-and-warn-of-natural-disasters-70058
L'articolo parla nello specifico della chiusura dei servizi su onde corte della radio australiana, maqueste considerazioni possono essere applicate anche ai casi analoghi che si verificano in tutto il resto del mondo.
SOURCE: https://theconversation.com/pacific-nations-lose-shortwave-radio-services-that-evade-dictators-and-warn-of-natural-disasters-70058
L'articolo parla nello specifico della chiusura dei servizi su onde corte della radio australiana, maqueste considerazioni possono essere applicate anche ai casi analoghi che si verificano in tutto il resto del mondo.
-Frecuencia Al Día- "El Más Internacional". Chile | Operativo Especial RadioAficionados Sewell. Informe con Xqb Luis Valderas ► Además: Carlos Benoit: RD - Emisoras de los Centros Tecnológicos Comunitarios ► Saludos y Felicitaciónes de Cumpleaños ► Miguel Angel Reyes Gordillo: México - Semblanza del Ingeniero Walter Cross Buchanan ► Daniel Silva: Argentina - Nextel Brindará el Servicio de Telefonía 4G ► Gustavo Luna: El Mapa de la Televisión Paga en América Latina ► Francisco Francisco Paez Garcia EA7BQU - Boletín DX del Mundo de la Radioafición ► Francisco Oviedo: Twitter Busca Acuerdos Para Emitir TV En Directo ► Mariana Torre
s: Frecuencia Análisis ► Gerardo Loyola de Peregrin: El Informe Diexista de Claudio Galaz ►.
Lo scorso 30 marzo i radioamatori argentini hanno celebrato lo storico novantesimo anniversario della prima comunicazione telegrafica fra le Isole Orcadi Australi e l'Argentina. Lo storico segnale fu trasmesso dalla stazione meteorologica argentina presente sulle isole fin dal 1904. Per celebrare l'anniversario le poste argentine hanno emesso l'annullo filatelico speciale che potete vedere nel post. L'articolo che narra la storia di questo collegamento e le altre fotografie pubblicate dalla "Fondazione Marambio" sono invece tratte dal sito
próximo jueves 30 de marzo de 2006 se cumplen 79 años de una fecha
histórica, que fue cuando se escucharon por primera vez en la Antártida los
sonidos del alfabeto Morse; paso fundamental en el desarrollo de las
comunicaciones en aquellas latitudes. Ese día en el Observatorio
Meteorológico de las islas Orcadas del Sur, se inauguró oficialmente la
Estación Radiotelegráfica Orcadas (LRT).
El telegrafista suboficial de la Armada
Argentina, Emilio BALDONI estableció contacto por primera vez desde
la Antártida y fue con la estación LIK de Ushuaia, la ciudad más austral del
mundo y a través de ella con Buenos Aires.
Esto probaba algo que hasta el momento no se
sabía si era factible, ya que la distancia y las inclemencias del tiempo
eran factores desfavorables para la radiotelegrafía, teniendo en cuenta los
equipos de aquella época.
Cabe destacar, que desde el 22 de febrero del
año 1904, fecha en que se iniciaron las actividades permanentes en la isla
Laurie, del grupo de islas Orcadas del Sur -actual base Orcadas de la
Antártida Argentina- hasta el 30 de marzo de 1927, es decir, durante
veintisiete (27) años, nuestros antárticos perdían el contacto con el resto
del mundo durante más de un año desde que los dejaban en el buque hasta el
relevo anual, ya que no tenían ningún medio de comunicación.
Durante las once noches anteriores a este
acontecimiento, desde la isla Laurie, donde se encontraba la base Orcadas,
el Jefe de la Expedición, José Manuel MONETA junto a Miguel Ángel JARAMILLO,
Pedro Martín CASARIEGO, Luis FALLICO y Conrado BECKER, alentaban al
radiotelegrafista Emilio BALDONI, que impulsando el manipulador con su firme
puño transmitía repetidamente al éter: "CQ...CQ..CQ...de
LRT...LRT...LRT...Orcadas, Orcadas, Orcadas", que en texto claro significa
"Llamada general de las islas Orcadas del sur, de las islas Orcadas...",
siguiendo con el texto "Contesten llamadas muy largas para poder
sintonizar...llamada de Orcadas del Sur...".
Cuando este histórico día 30 de marzo de 1927
se percibieron los sonidos Morse de las letras "LRT...LRT" y se repetía en
rítmicos intervalos, gritaron todos al unísono "Nosotros!..., Nosotros!...al
fin...al fin!", la pregunta era "¿Quién nos llama?" y de inmediato se pudo
escuchar "LRT...LRT...de LIK...LIK...LIK"; exclamando todos al mismo tiempo
"Nos llaman de Ushuaia!".

El Jefe de la Expedición, señor MONETA, tomó
los formularios de telegramas y rápidamente escribió el mensaje al
Presidente de la Nación, a los Ministros de Agricultura y de Marina y al
Director General de Meteorología, de quién dependían.
Con la satisfacción de haber obtenido este
importante logro, MONETA descorchó una botella de champaña y una vez
servido, levantaron las copas y dijo "Muchachos...Ya tenemos comunicación
con el continente y este éxito se debe a todos por igual...Muchachos...Ya no
estamos todos solos...Arriba todos y Viva la Patria!!".
Al día siguiente de aquella memorable
comunicación, BALDONI recibió cinco despachos, el primero fue del señor
Presidente de la Nación, Marcelo TORCUATO de ALVEAR, las contestaciones
oficiales de las autoridades, pero sin duda el más importante fue el
lacónico telegrama que decía así: "Moneta, Jefe de Expedición. Islas Orcadas
- Familias de todos bien - Plate, Director Meteorología".
De esta forma se rompía el aislamiento orcadense; los datos del tiempo de ese apartado rincón de la patria se empezaron a transmitir de inmediato a Buenos Aires para ser utilizados en los pronósticos, junto con la información proveniente del resto del país.
De esta forma se rompía el aislamiento orcadense; los datos del tiempo de ese apartado rincón de la patria se empezaron a transmitir de inmediato a Buenos Aires para ser utilizados en los pronósticos, junto con la información proveniente del resto del país.
El observatorio siguió creciendo paso a paso.
Sus instalaciones se fueron ampliando a medida que las necesidades del
personal se hacían mayores y las actividades técnico-científicas se
incrementaron y nuevos equipos e instrumentos fueron reemplazando a los
primitivos aparatos usados por los primeros observadores de 1904.
En ese sentido la conquista lograda por
BALDONI alentó a los radioaficionados argentinos en la búsqueda de nuevas
soluciones al problema de las comunicaciones acorde con los tiempos que
Los esfuerzos realizados a partir de ahí se
vieron coronados en noviembre de 1940 con la transmisión de la primera
comunicación hablada que se verificó entre el observatorio de la isla Laurie
del grupo de islas Orcadas y la ciudad de Lanús.
Después de muchos ensayos, el radio operador
José CONCHIGLIA logró comunicarse con Esteban MILANESI, radioaficionado que
operaba desde la ciudad Lanús con característica LU7ET.
Merece destacarse la colaboración técnica de
Pedro NOIZEAUX, administrador adjunto de Transradio Internacional que
facilitó los elementos moduladores que fueron acoplados al transmisor
utilizado en aquella época en el observatorio. Quedaba inaugurada la era de
la transmisión de la palabra por conversación modulada.
Con este mensaje, se le rinde homenaje a
todos aquellos hombres que desde hace más de cien años, dieron parte de su
vida en aquella tierras heladas para el bien de la ciencia y de nuestra
GAKONA – One of the most advanced research facilities in the country is back open for business and wants to attract more scientists to the site. The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) has been managed by the University of Alaska Fairbanks since August 2015. After staff got the facility out of its “mothball” state, researchers conducted projects there in February for the first time since the UAF takeover.
The facility’s main feature is the array of 180 65-foot antennas occupying roughly 30 acres of land near Gakona, Alaska. They act as a massive radio transmitter and allow for the study of an upper layer of the atmosphere known as the ionosphere. The work scientists do at the facility varies widely, but some can have everyday applications for things like long-distance radio communication and global positioning systems.
HAARP was originally built by the Air Force, Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the early 1990s. It started out with a small array of 18 antennas and gradually grew to the current 180. The entire facility is valued at $300 million, according to UAF. While the program was conceived through military funding, the site’s supervisor said it always has had academic associations.
“Where we came from to where we are now is due to some of the brightest minds in the universities. Not military scientists, but academic professionals,” said Marty Karjala.
Karjala has been part of the HAARP team since 2001. He performs a number of duties as site supervisor, including ensuring experiments go smoothly when scientists are conducting a research campaign. Doing so is not cheap; UAF charges $5,000 to run HAARP, which Karjala said is essentially “breaking even.” A large portion of the expense goes into fueling the five massive generators on site, most of which were taken from tugboats or rescue and salvage ships.
“These things are thirsty. At full load amperage, they can suck up about 230 gallons per hour of diesel fuel,” Karjala said of each of the generators.
HAARP is a mecca for those interested in studying the ionosphere. Karjala said that is partially because the facility is able to achieve a “spectrally pure signal.”
HAARP’s chief scientist, Dr. Bill Bristow, explained in an email to KTVA that “spectrally pure simply means that the transmitters produce a signal at the frequency we select for a given experiment and not a lot of harmonics or other unwanted emissions.”
Karjala said no other place offers the chance to study the ionosphere quite like HAARP.
“Information that we’re learning about our upper atmosphere is just– it’s valuable to all of mankind,” said Karjala. “We’re gathering information from a region of our atmosphere that we’re starved of data.”
HAARP has fame outside of the scientific community; it has a distinct reputation among conspiracy theorists who allege it can control the weather or people’s minds. Karjala said he occasionally receive calls and letters from people concerned about their work.
“Some of these calls are like, ‘Hey, can you help me to win a million dollars in the lottery?’ to ‘Please quit shooting down the space shuttles’,” said Karjala.
The university embraces the unique nature of the work being done at HAARP. However, it also takes the security of its employees seriously, especially after an alleged terror plot two Georgia men planned at the facility.
UAF is committed to increasing transparency at the facility and is encouraging the public to learn more about the work being done there. Its second annual open house is scheduled for August 19. Karjala said drawing more people to HAARP is important since he is the only person with his specific skill set. If more scientists become interested in conducting work at HAARP, the future of the facility is more secure.
“I would really love to see this facility turn into somewhat of that conglomerate where we have different disciples of science being conducted here,” said Karjala.
The HAARP site is not far from Glennallen, and Karjala believes boosting the number of scientists who have research projects at HAARP will help the economy of the Copper River Valley.
“If we’ve got 10 or 15 people that come within a two-to-three month period, that really makes a difference for the people that are running these small businesses,” he said.
The next experiments at HAARP are planned for the fall. However, if the facility only hosts two research campaigns in 2017, it will be far from achieving its maximum potential. Still, Karjala said he is optimistic about the future of HAARP under UAF management and that the number of campaigns will soon increase.
“To get back to that level where there’s science — just lots of science — being planned [and] being executed, it’s going to take us a couple years to get there, but I really think we will,” he said.
SOURCE: http://www.ktva.com/seeking-scientists-haarp-works-toward-ensuring-longterm-success-789/?utm_source=KTVA+Newsletter&utm_campaign=3ea6d9477b-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9a8bbcb136-3ea6d9477b-259328345
SOURCE: http://www.ktva.com/seeking-scientists-haarp-works-toward-ensuring-longterm-success-789/?utm_source=KTVA+Newsletter&utm_campaign=3ea6d9477b-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9a8bbcb136-3ea6d9477b-259328345

Thanks to the powerful Krasnodar transmitter operating at 6000 KHz with 100 kilowatts of power, the broadcast of the National Radio of the Republic of Adygea, one of the many administrative entities in which the vast Russian Federation, located in the south of the country is divided, in the Caucasus region. After the Russian Federation has suppressed almost all the emissions on medium and short wave, listening to this station is one of the few opportunities for listening to radio broadcasts from its territory. The Adygea Radio transmits three times a week on the frequency of 6000 KHz. Tuesday at 6pm UTC in local, Arabic and Turkish, Monday in local language at 7pm and Saturday in local language at 6pm. In the audio clip, you can hear the beginning of Tuesday's broadcast transmissions.
Lo scorso gennaio, in seguito a una decisione del governo federale australiano tutte le trasmissioni in onda corta della radio pubblica ABC per i vasti territori del nord e di Radio Australia per l'estero sono cessate. Le motivazioni sono quelle di sempre: obsolescenza del mezzo, migrazione sulle nuove piattaforme digitali e satellitari, nonchè gli immancabili tagli di bilancio. Verrebbe da pensare che la perdurante crisi economica sia stata provocata non dalla pirateria finanziaria, ma dallo sconsiderato utilizzo di mezzi di comunicazione analogici che hanno drenato risorse finanziarie e posti di lavoro. Purtroppo da diversi anni la tendenza è questa e al declino della radio analogica sembra impossibile porre uno stop. In Australia però, non si sa con quante possibilità di successo, ci stanno provando, tanto è vero che fin dai primi giorni di febbraio un nutrito gruppo di organizzazioni private e pubbliche, singoli cittadini e addirittura il governo di qualche stato insulare limitrofo all'Australia hanno avviato un iter legislativo presso il Senato federale per emendare la legge australiana sulle telecomunicazioni e ripristinare i servizi fondamentali in onda corta per i territori del nord e l'area del Pacifico. " to require the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to maintain three domestic shortwave transmission services for the Northern Territory that were operating up until 31 January 2017; and maintain an international shortwave radio transmission service for Papua New Guinea and parts of the Pacific."
La proposta legislativa denominata "Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Restoring Shortwave Radio) Bill 2017 è stata presentata il 13 febbraio 2017 e verrà discussa nell'apposita commissione il 10 maggio 2017. Certamente le speranze di riattivare questi servizi non sono molte se è vero che appena 15 cittadini hanno espressamente richiesto alla ABC il ripristino dei servizi in onde corte, ma vale la pena sottolineare l'impegno profuso a vari livelli per riportare la questione all'attenzione del Parlamento Australiano. Tra le varie petizioni inviate a sostegno dell'emendamento vale la pena sottolineare quella del Primo Ministro di Vanuatu Tabismas che poneva l'accento sulla fondamentale funzione della radio australiana in caso di calamità naturali: "Vanuatu values its close association with Australia at so many levels yet this strange decision by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to end shortwave services to our region seems at odds with the recently strongly-stated goals of the Australian Government to help improve disaster preparedness and risk management in our region."
Nella vicenda si è inserito anche il consorzio della Digitale Radio Mondiale che ne ha approfittato per pubblicizzare il proprio standard di trasmissione: "As an example, if one 100 kW analogue transmitter with a given earth conductivity, covers an area 600 kilometres wide, the same transmitter, but DRM enabled, can cover the same area using only 40 kW. It is also very important to note that the broadcasters will use this reduced power (hence energy consumption) for broadcasting not only one programme, as in analogue, but for two or three programmes in parallel using the same frequency band with exceptional improvements in sound quality". Non poteva mancare la voce dell'Australian Radio DX club che ha invece posto l'accento sulla chiusura dei servizi interni: "In specifically the one station that should be kept open is Alice Springs on 4.835 khz. Its not only my experience but other members that this solitary station has the most wide range, of coverage into REMOTE areas. This idea of the internet, satellite etc…is okay until something goes wrong, then there has to be a technician sent many miles sometimes days to arrive with parts to fix the problems. This lack of coverage is seen
to be in any fair thinking person in remote areas is one of being cut off from information. A point of on times survival of warning. Yes I have been in remote areas of the Territory and parts of Western Australia to very remote communities." L'elenco completo degli interventi può essere scaricato QUI. Noi ci limtiamo ad aggiungere che una comunicazione satellitare o internet può essere facilmente bloccata e oltretutto hanno dei costi che in molte aree disagiate del mondo le persone non possono permettersi, mentre un apparecchio radio dal costo irrisorio può garantire l'accesso a fonti di informazione alternative e non censurate e questo è un bene intangibile che è il vero valore aggiunto di quella cosa conosciuta come democrazia.
Last January, following a decision by the Australian federal government, to close all short waves public broadcasting ABC radio broadcasts for the vast Northern Territories and Radio Australia for foreign. The motivations are always: obsolescence of the medium, migration to new digital and satellite platforms, as well as the inevitable budget cuts. It would be thought that the continuing economic crisis was caused not by financial piracy but by the deliberate use of analogue media that drained financial resources and jobs. Unfortunately for several years the trend is this and the decline of analogue radio seems impossible to put a stop. In Australia, however, we do not know how many successful opportunities are being tested, so it is true that from the early days of February a large group of private and public organizations, individual citizens and even the government of some insular states bordering Australia Have initiated a legislative process with the Federal Senate to amend Australian law on telecommunications and restore short-wave basic services for the northern territories and the Pacific area. Torequire the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to maintain three domestic shortwave transmission services for the Northern Territory that operated until 31 January 2017; And maintain an international shortwave radio transmission service for Papua New Guinea and parts of the Pacific. The Legislative Bill, "Restoring Shortwave Radio" Bill 2017, was presented on February 13, 2017 and will be discussed in the committee on May 10, 2017. Certainly, the hopes of reactivating these services are not many, although only 15 Citizens have explicitly asked ABC to reinstate shortwave services, but it is worth emphasizing the engagement at various levels to bring the issue back to the attention of the Australian Parliament. Among the petitions sent to support the amendment is worth To point out that Prime Minister Vanuatu Tabismas emphasized the fundamental function of Australian radio in the event of natural disasters: "Vanuatu values its close association with Australia at so many levels yet this strange decision by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to end shortwave services To our region seems to be at odds with the recently-strongly-stated goals of "The event has also included the consortium of the Digital World Radio which has taken advantage of it to publicize its broadcast standard:" As an example, if one 100 kW analogue Transmitter with a given earth conduction, covers an area of 600 kilometers wide, the same transmitter, but DRM enabled, can cover the same area using only 40 kW. It is also very important to note that the broadcasters will use this reduced power for broadcasting not only one program, but analogue, but for two or three programs in parallel using the same frequency band with exceptional improvements in sound quality "The Australian Radio DX club could not miss it, but instead emphasized the closure of its internal services:" In Alice Springs, the only station that should be kept open is 4.835 khz. It's not just my experience but other members that this solitary station has the most wide range of coverage in REMOTE areas. This idea of the internet, satellite etc ... is okay until something goes wrong, but there is a need to be a technician who has sent many miles sometimes to arrive with parts to fix the problems. This lack of coverage is seen in any fair thinking person in remote areas, is one of being cut off from information. A point of on times survival of warning. Yes, I have been in remote areas of the Territory and parts of Western Australia to very remote communities. "The complete list of interventions can be downloaded HERE. We just want to add that a satellite or internet communication can be easily blocked and moreover they have Of the costs that in many disadvantaged areas of the world people can not afford, while an irresistible radio device can guarantee access to alternative and uncensored information sources and this is an intangible good that is the true added value of that thing Known as democracy.
(translate with google translator)

Photographer: Balint Porneczi/Bloomberg
Una vecchia abitudine di chi pratica il radioascolto è quella di seguire gli eventi più importanti di uno stato attraverso le radio nazionali sulle varie bande di trasmissione. Con la disattivazione della radio pubblica francese in one medie e lunghe l'unico modo per seguire gli avvenimenti importanti d'oltralpe è ascoltare le onde lunghe dove sono rimaste attive le 3 importanti emittenti commerciali francofone RMC, RTL e Radio Europe 1 che pur appartenenti giuridicamente ad altri ambiti statali, sono per evidenza di cose "francesi" a tutti gli effetti. Il secondo turno delle elezioni presidenziali francesi. con tutti i risvolti geopolitici che ne derivano è stato l'avvenimento più importante di questo fine settimana e le tre emittenti sopra citate per tutto il giorno hanno seguito il dipanarsi degli eventi elettorali con lunghe dirette che sono arrivate ben oltre la mezzanotte per la proclamazione dei risultati ufficiali. Particolarmente capillare con ricchezza di collegamenti esterni e commenti la "tedesca" Radio Europe 1dalla cui trasmissione serale abbiamo tratto il "discorso del Louvre" di Emmanuel Macron risultato il vincitore della consultazione elettorale. Si tratta di un discorso di 10 minuti con il quale Macron ringrazia gli elettori e detta le linee guida dei suoi prossimi 5 anni all'Eliseo con il consueto "Vive la Republique, vive la France" finale. Da notare prima del discorso alcuni secondi dell'inno alla gioia tratto dal quarto movimento della sinfonia n. 9 di Ludwig Van Beethoven su testo dell'altro illustre tedesco Friedrich Schiller, inno ufficiale dell'Unione Europea. Ricordiamo indine che Radio Europe 1 si ascolta con ottimo segnale sulla frequenza dei 183 KHz.
An old habit of listening to the radio is to follow the most important events of a state through national radios on the various broadcast bands. With the deactivation of French public radio on the medium and long waves, the only way to follow the major events of the France is to listen to the long waves where the three major French-speaking RMC, RTL and Radio Europe 1 broadcasters are still active, although legally To other state domains, are evidence of "French" things in all respects. The second round of French presidential elections. With all the geopolitical implications that came about it was the most important event of this weekend and the three broadcasters mentioned all day long followed the break-up of long-term electoral events that came far beyond midnight for the proclamation of Official results. Especially widespread with a wealth of external links and comments the "German" Radio Europe 1, from which we broadcast the Emmanuel Macron's "Louvre speech" evening, resulted in the winner of the electoral consultation. This is a 10-minute speech with which Macron thanks the voters and said the lines of his next five years at the Eliseo with the usual "Vive la Republique, lives in France" final. It should be noted before the speech a few seconds of the beginning to the joy taken from the fourth movement of symphony n. 9 by Ludwig Van Beethoven on the text of the other illustrious German Friedrich Schiller, the official hymn of the European Union. We remind you that Radio Europe 1 is listening with a good signal on the frequency of 183 KHz.
(Translate with google translator)
Chi di mestiere fa il musicista prima di leggere questo articolo può
toccare legno, ferro o qualisiasi altra cosa ritenga opportuna, perchè stiamo per parlare di una web radio che per "passare" i vostri brani ha stabilito un paletto ben preciso: dovete essere morti ! Potrebbe sembrare una battuta o la solita notizia bufala eppure "Radio Dead" esiste davvero con tanto di programmazione, speakers logo e una playlist di primordine. Si tratta di una webradio raggiungibile SU QUESTO LINK nata da un'idea di Steve Penk, noto speaker britannico che vanta un curriculum di tutto rispetto avendo lavorato per le principali emittenti dell'isola comprese Capital e Virgin Radio. Le regole di programmazione di un brano sono molto semplici: il cantante, il musicista, o almeno uno dei componenti di un gruppo musicale deve essere passata a miglior vita. Il brano viene trasmesso e contestualmente lo speaker annuncia anche la data della morte dell'artista. Ovviamente si tratta di una gran furbata per focalizzare l'attenzione su una radio che altrimenti rischierebbe di condonfersi con le altre migliaia che trasmettono "oldies", perchè alla fine di questo si tratta. Molti musicisti, miti di diverse generazioni, ormai sono scomparsi chi in età avanzata, chi per incidenti vari di percorso, l'anno 2016 con molte morti eccellenti, è stato particolarmente funesto, quindi perchè non creare un marchio riconoscibile per una nuova web radio ? "The immediate perception of this radio station, before listening to it, might be that it's in bad taste, but the reality is a joyous radio station celebrating the music of so many brilliant artists who are sadly no longer with us" ha dichiarato in una intervista Steve Penk. Un'ideuzza semplice ed efficace, confezionata con un logo che strizza l'occhio alle paure recondite e al desiderio di esorcizzare la morte che alberga in ognuno di noi (ricordate il cavaliere che gioca a scacchi con la morte nel "Settimo sigillo" di Bergman ?), e il gioco è fatto, semplice ed efficace, visto che anche noi ne stiamo parlando. Per i più curiosi abbiamo anche registrato un annuncio con l'identificazione della stazione.
Anyone who work as the musician before reading this article can touch wood, iron or whatever else he thinks fit, because we are talking about a web radio that to "pass" your tracks has established a very precise palette: you have to be dead! It may sound like a joke or the usual fake news, yet "Radio Dead" really has a lot of programming, logo speakers and a playlist . This is a web radio accessible on THIS LINK from an idea by Steve Penk, a well-known British speaker who has a respectable curriculum since working for major island broadcasters including Capital and Virgin Radio. The programming rules of a song are very simple: the singer, the musician, or at least one of the members of a music group must be brought to better life. The song is transmitted and at the same time the speaker also announces the date of the death of the artist. Obviously this is a great deal to focus attention on a radio that would otherwise risk losing to the other thousands who send "oldies", because at the end of this it is. Many musicians, myths of several generations, have disappeared in the old age, who for the various road accidents, the year 2016 with many excellent deaths, has been particularly troublesome, so why not create a recognizable brand for a new web radio? "The immediate perception of this radio station, before listening to it, might be that it's in bad taste, but the reality is a joyous radio station celebrating the music of so many brilliant artists who are sadly no longer with us," he said in An interview with Steve Penk. A simple and effective idea, packed with a logo that reminds the eye of the dreaded fears and the desire to exorcise the death that dwells in each of us (remember the knight who plays chess with death in Bergman's "Seventh seal" ?), And the game is done, simple and effective, since we are also talking about it. For the most curious we also recorded an announcement with station identification.
(Avvertenza per i puristi della lingua inglese: il testo è stato tradotto con google translator)
Signori Cardinali,
cari fratelli e sorelle,sono molto lieto di accogliervi in occasione della Prima Assemblea Plenaria della Segreteria per la Comunicazione, che vi vede impegnati nell'approfondire la conoscenza reciproca e nell'esaminare i passi finora compiuti dal Dicastero, che ho voluto per un nuovo sistema comunicativo della Santa Sede, oltre che nel riflettere su un tema quanto mai attuale e suggestivo quale quello della cultura digitale.
Ringrazio il Prefetto Monsignor Viganò per la sua introduzione e desidero esprimere la mia riconoscenza a lui e a voi qui presenti e anche a quanti hanno contribuito in vari modi alla preparazione del lavoro di questi giorni.
L’argomento trattato nella Plenaria è uno di quelli che mi stanno molto a cuore; l’ho già affrontato in diverse occasioni. Si tratta di studiare criteri e modalità nuovi per comunicare il Vangelo della misericordia a tutte le genti, nel cuore delle diverse culture, attraverso i media che il nuovo contesto culturale digitale mette a disposizione dei nostri contemporanei.
Questo Dicastero, che compirà due anni il prossimo 27 giugno – due candele – si presenta in piena riforma. E non dobbiamo avere paura di questa parola. Riforma non è “imbiancare” un po’ le cose: riforma è dare della Segreteria per la Comunicazione un’altra forma alle cose, organizzarle in un altro modo. E si deve fare con intelligenza, con mitezza, ma anche, anche – permettetemi la parola – con un po’ di “violenza”, ma buona, della buona violenza, per riformare le cose. È in piena riforma dal momento che è una realtà nuova che sta muovendo ormai passi irreversibili. In questo caso, infatti, non si tratta di un coordinamento o di una fusione di precedenti Dicasteri, ma di costruire una vera e propria istituzione ex novo, come scrivevo nel Motu proprio istitutivo: «L’attuale contesto comunicativo, caratterizzato dalla presenza e dallo sviluppo dei media digitali, dai fattori della convergenza e dell’interattività, richiede un ripensamento del sistema informativo della Santa Sede e impegna ad una riorganizzazione che, valorizzando quanto nella storia si è sviluppato all'interno dell’assetto della comunicazione della Sede Apostolica, proceda decisamente verso un’integrazione e gestione unitaria. Per tali motivi – proseguivo –, ho ritenuto che tutte le realtà, che, in diversi modi fino ad oggi si sono occupate della comunicazione, vengano accorpate in un nuovo Dicastero della Curia Romana, che sarà denominato Segreteria per la Comunicazione. In tal modo il sistema comunicativo della Santa Sede risponderà sempre meglio alle esigenze della missione della Chiesa».
Questo nuovo sistema comunicativo nasce dall'esigenza della cosiddetta “convergenza digitale”. Infatti, nel passato ogni modalità comunicativa aveva i propri canali. Ogni forma espressiva aveva un proprio medium: le parole scritte il giornale o i libri, le immagini le fotografie e quelle in movimento il cinema e la televisione, le parole parlate e la musica la radio e i CD. Tutte queste forme di comunicazione oggi sono trasmesse con un unico codice che sfrutta il sistema binario. In questo quadro, dunque, “L’Osservatore Romano”, che dal prossimo anno entrerà a far parte del nuovo Dicastero, dovrà trovare una modalità nuova e diversa, per poter raggiungere un numero di lettori superiore a quello che riesce a realizzare in formato cartaceo. Anche la Radio Vaticana, da anni diventata un insieme di portali, va ripensata secondo modelli nuovi e adeguata alle moderne tecnologie e alle esigenze dei nostri contemporanei. A proposito del servizio radiofonico, mi preme sottolineare lo sforzo che il Dicastero sta compiendo nei confronti dei Paesi con poca disponibilità tecnologica (penso ad esempio all'Africa) per la razionalizzazione delle Onde Corte che non sono state mai dismesse. E questo voglio sottolinearlo: non sono state mai dismesse. Tra qualche mese anche la Libreria Editrice Vaticana, l’antica Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana e, come dicevo, “L’Osservatore Romano” entreranno a far parte della grande comunità di lavoro del nuovo Dicastero, e questo richiederà la disponibilità ad armonizzarsi con un nuovo disegno produttivo e distributivo. Il lavoro è grande; la sfida è grande, ma si può fare, si deve fare.
La storia è, indubbiamente, un patrimonio di esperienze preziose da conservare e da usare come spinta verso il futuro. Diversamente essa si ridurrebbe a un museo, interessante e bello da visitare, ma non in grado di fornire forza e coraggio per il proseguimento del cammino.
In questo orizzonte di costruzione di un nuovo sistema comunicativo, va collocato inoltre l’impegnativo sforzo di formazione e di aggiornamento del personale.
Dear brothers and sisters, I am delighted to welcome you at the First Plenary Assembly of the Communication Secretariat, which sees you engaged in deeper knowledge of each other and in examining the steps that have been taken by the Dicastery so far, which I wanted for a new system Communicative communication of the Holy See, as well as reflecting on an ever-present and evocative theme such as that of digital culture.
I thank the Prefect Monsignor Viganò for his introduction and wish to express my gratitude to him and to you here and also to those who have contributed in various ways to the preparation of these days.
The subject covered in the plenary is one of those that are very much in my heart; I've already faced it on several occasions. It is about studying new ways and means to communicate the gospel of mercy to all people, in the heart of different cultures, through the media that the new digital cultural context makes available to our contemporaries.
This Dicastery, which will take two years on June 27th - two candles - is in full reform. And we must not be afraid of this word. Reform is not "whitening" a bit: Reform is giving the Secretariat for Communication another form of things, organizing them in another way. And you have to do it with intelligence, with mildness, but also - allow me the word - with a bit of "violence" but good, of good violence, to reform things. It is in full reform since it is a new reality that is now moving irreversible. In this case, in fact, it is not a coordination or merger of former Dicasteries, but to building a truly new institution, as I wrote in my own Motu institute: "The current communicative context, characterized by the presence and the The development of the digital media, the factors of convergence and interactivity, requires a rethinking of the information system of the Holy See and commits to a reorganization that, by emphasizing how history has developed within the framework of the communication of the Apostolic See, proceeds Decisively toward uniting and unitary management. For these reasons, I continued, I believe that all the realities that have been involved in communication in various ways have been united in a new Declaration of the Roman Curia, which will be called the Secretariat for Communication. In this way the communicative system of the Holy See will always respond better to the needs of the Church's mission. "
This new communication system arises from the need for so-called "digital convergence". Indeed, in the past every communication mode had its own channels. Every expressive form had its own medium: written words in the newspaper or books, pictures of photographs and those in motion cinema and television, words spoken and music radio and CDs. All these forms of communication today are transmitted with a single code that exploits the binary system. In this context, therefore, "L'Osservatore Romano", who will join the new Dicastery next year, will have to find a new and different way to reach a number of readers superior to what he can achieve in paper format . Even the Vatican Radio, which has become a set of portals for years, needs to be revisited according to new models and adapted to the modern technologies and needs of our contemporaries. With regard to the radio service, I would like to stress the effort the Dicastery is doing towards those countries with little technological availability (I think, for example, Africa) for the rationalization of the Short Waves that have never been abandoned. And that's what I want to point out: they have never been abandoned. Within a few months, the Vatican Publishing Library, the ancient Vatican Polyglyty Typography and, as I said, "The Roman Observer" will join the great working community of the new Dicastery, and this will require the willingness to harmonize with a new design Productive and distributive. Work is great; The challenge is great, but you can do it, you have to do it.
The story is, undoubtedly, a heritage of precious experiences to be preserved and used as a boost to the future. Otherwise, it would be reduced to a museum, interesting and beautiful to visit, but unable to provide strength and courage to continue the journey.
In this horizon of building a new communication system, the challenging effort of training and updating of staff is also to be found.
(google translator)
(google translator)

-Frecuencia Al Día- Viernes 5 de mayo 2017.
Historias de Radio | Radio Euzkadi. "La Voz de La Resistencia Vasca". Informe con Daniel Camporini ►.
Además: Eusebio Sánchez: Damasco - Emisora Siria Entra en Guinnes de Récords ► Saludos y Felicitaciónes de Cumpleaños ► Miguel A. Reyes: México – Multan a TELMEX. Llega Estrella TV ► Francisco Oviedo: YouTube Lanzó su Servicio de TV por Streaming ► Alonso Mostazo: Pronóstico de la Propagación HF ► Francisco Páez EA7BQU - Boletín DX del Mundo de la Radioafición ► Mariana Torres: Frecuencia Análisis ► Luís G. Loyola: El Informe Diexista de Manuel Méndez ►.
Da oggi e fino al 15 maggio 2017 la stazione con nominativo speciale PY0NY sarà nuovamente attiva, con il supporto della Esquadrilha da Fumaca (Forza Aerea Brasiliana), dall'Isola atlantica brasiliana di Fernando de Noronha, referenza IOTA SA-003.
Activation May 2017:
Hello friends! Welcome to my page. This year, 2017 I will be active, for the fourth time, on the oceanic island of Fernando de Noronha with the Special Call PYØNY. The activation will be from May 05th to May, 15th and it's aim celebrate the 65th anniversary of the creation of our valuable Smoke Squadron, which is the Brazilian Air Force's Official Squadron. It is a very special date for all Brazilian citizens, mainly for all the Brazilian Air Force members, when we are celebrating this long and brilliant history of the Brazilian military aviation.
Activation detais:
On this activation I intend to give special attention to the bands of 160m and 80m, for these are bands that have been little explored and I believe they are the goal of many hams around the world. I will be also active on the other bands on phone, CW, RTTY and digital modes. The antennas will be Delta Loop, MorGain, dipoles, and some accessories all built by me on an artisan way.
Activation has already been validated by ARRL and this callsign has been accepted for DXCC credit.
ARRL DX Bulletin ARLD017 (2017) DX news:
DX Bulletin 17 ARLD017
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT April 27, 2017
To all radio amateurs
ARLD017 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by KZ3AB, PY4NY, W3UR, QRZ DX,the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News,
The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
FERNANDO DE NORONHA, PY0F. Jan, PY4NY will be QRV as PY0NY from May 5 to 15 to celebrate the 65 years after the creation of the Smoke
Squadron, the Brazilian Air Force's Official Squadron. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and various digital modes.
Traliccio d'antenna a Milano Siziano (foto ARI Vigevano)
Di solito fin dal tardo pomeriggio fin verso le 7.30 del giorno successivo dal trasmettitore RAI in onda media di Milano Siziano operante sui 900 KHz arriva un buon, se non addirittura ottimo segnale con qualità audio decisamente superiore al più vicino trasmettitore di Monte Ciocci a Roma. Per questo motivo spesso mi capita di ascoltare sia i notiziari nazionali che il Gazzettino Padano trasmesso nella fasce di programmazione regionale. Questa mattina invece, sintonizzando il ricevitore sui 900 KHz la RAI non si ascoltava. Sul canale c'era quella che all'apparenza era una portante muta, mentre in sottofondo, con segnale audio basso ma intellegibile, veniva trasmessa non saprei da chi, una play list musicale senza identificazione, con qualche sporadica apparizione della COPE dovuta alle variazioni propagative. Ho seguito il canale per circa 40 minuti, passati i quali non quali non si sarebbe comunque ascoltato più nulla e alla fine l'inoltrarsi del giorno lo ha chiuso definitivamente. Ho registrato un breve audio di ciò che ho ascoltato che vi propongo nel post. Resta il dubbio: guasto, fermo per manutenzione o scherzi della propagazione ?
Usually from the late afternoon to about 7.30 am the next day from the RAI broadcast on Milano Siziano's medium wave operating on the 900 KHz comes a good, if not a good signal with sound quality far superior to the closest transmitter of Monte Ciocci in Rome. For this reason, I often hear about both the national news and the Gazzettino Padano broadcast in the regional programming bands. This morning, however, tuning the receiver on the 900 KHz the RAI was not listening. On the canal was the one that was apparently a mute carrier, while in the background, with a low but intelligible audio signal, it was transmitted I would not know who, an unidentifiable musical playlist with some sporadic COPE appearance due to propagative variations . I followed the channel for about 40 minutes, past whom not what would not have been heard any more and finally the day forward ended it definitely. I recorded a brief audio of what I heard that I propose you in the post. The question remains: failed or stopped for maintenance?
(Google translator)
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