TOP NEWS ==== ZCZC TIPS 666 13/11 23.33 R. Barcelona - Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono 684 14/11 22.35 R. Jeddah - Arabo MX buono (RNE Sevilla OFF ) 684 15/11 17.04 R.N.E. R1 - Sevilla SS NX reg. Comun. Madrid ??? buono ( riattivata ) 801 12/11 18.04 R.N.E. R1 - Ciudad Real SS NX reg. Castilla - La Mancha suff. 846 11/11 23.05 MCB - Alphen aan den Rhijn Dutch MX buono 927 17/11 10.00 Power 927 - IT ID e MX ottimo 999 14/11 23.14 COPE - Madrid SS ID e pubblicità locale buono 1008 14/11 23.02 R. Alicante - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono 1026 15/11 18.00 R. Ouorgla - Arabo MX buono 1017 14/11 18.50 R.N.E. R5 - Granada SS NX reg. Andalucia suff. 1098 15/11 18.50 R.N.E. R5 - Lugo SS NX reg. Galicia suff. 1107 11/11 18.50 R.N.E. R5 - Logrono SS NX reg. La Rioja buono 1125 11/11 06.25 R.N.E. R5 - Castellon SS NX locali buoni 1152 12/11 18.50 R.N.E. R5 - Lleida Catalano NX reg. Catalunya buono 1215 16/11 23.48 COPE - Cordoba SS ID e pubblicità locale buono 1252 12/11 15.10 Danko R. - Mix 2 TX Ungherese MX buono 1341 11/11 22.58 R. Onda Cero - Ciudad Real SS ID e pubblicità locale buono 1359 10/11 22.30 UNID con MX italiana buono 1368 12/11 22.20 R. Manx - Douglas EE MX suff. 1395 10/11 22.20 R. Seabreeze - Grou Dutch MX suff. 1449 16/11 22.35 R. Briscola - Lenta IT MX ottimo 1476 11/11 16.15 Museum R. - Bad Ischl Tedesco MX suff. 1485 13/11 22.55 R. Alcoi - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono 1503 11/11 16.25 R. Metropolis - Trieste IT MX buono 1512 13/11 23.15 R. Kameleon - Dutch ID e MX suff. 1512 15/11 16.50 R. Ardabil - Farsi talk suff. 1566 12/11 16.50 BBC R. Somerset - Taunton EE MX suff. 1521 11/11 16.10 China R. Int. - Hutubi Russo talk suff. 1575 11/11 15.30 R. Milano Centrale - IT MX ottimo 1575 12/11 17.40 NMA - Quseir Arabo MX suff. 1575 12/11 23.01 R. Cordoba - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff. 1584 11/11 22.00 R. Gandia - SS ID e NX locali buoni 1602 12/11 17.34 R. Ontinyent - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff. 1611 15/11 17.40 R. Luka - Dutch MX suff. 1620 12/11 19.15 R. Marianne - Dutch MX buono 1629 11/11 18.55 R. Bluebird - Dutch MX buono 1629 14/11 19.30 R. Marskramer - Dutch MX buono 1629 16/11 19.20 R. Carolina - Dutch MX buono 1645 13/11 22.35 R. Montecarlo - Dutch MX buono 1647 12/11 17.25 R. Digital - Dutch MX buono 1647 15/11 17.35 R. Noordzee - Dutch MX 1652 16/11 22.40 R. Moby Dick - Dutch MX buono 1665 10/11 19.20 R. Matrix - Dutch MX buono 3330 13/11 03.10 CHU - Ottawa EE/FF ID e pip pip suff. 3940 12/11 18.40 Mike R. - EE MX buono 4895 12/11 22.00 R. Mystery 21 - EE MX ottimo 5040 10/11 19.10 R. Deltracks - EE MX buono 5780 11/11 17.25 R. Mystery Theatre - EE MX buono 5840 16/11 18.00 R. Golden Oldies - Dutch ID e MX ottimo 5880 10/11 14.55 R. Rock Revolution - EE MX buono 5995 11/11 22.50 R. Mali - Bamako FF NX buono 6050 11/11 06.30 Elwa - Monrovia EE MX suff. 6060 15/11 16.30 R. Casanova - Winterswijk EE ID e MX buono 6070 13/10 03.20 CFRX - Toronto EE talk suff. 6105 16/11 13.50 R. Extra Gold - EE MX buono 6180 11/11 22.30 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP talk suff. 6185 15/11 03.50 R. Educacion - Mexico D.F. MX buono 6195 11/11 18.05 R. Strada Team - EE MX buono 6230 13/11 22.30 Sound of Hope - Cinese talk buono 6250 12/11 17.15 Voice of Hope - Seoul Coreano talk suff. 6280 10/11 15.10 Weekend Music R. - EE MX buono 6295 16/11 19.40 Laser Hot Hits - EE MX buono 6385 15/11 17.25 R. Willskracht - EE MX buono 6875 16/11 09.50 R. Europe - IT MX buono 6931 10/11 22.40 Indy R. - Sevilla SS MX buono 6935 14/11 19.00 Relay pirata di Energy FM Tenerife - EE MX buono 7390 10/11 15.20 R. New Zeland Int. - Wellington EE NX suff. 9330 13/11 14.10 Voice of Wilderness - Coreano MX buono 9345 13/11 14.25 FEBC - Pasig City Cinese talk suff. 9665 11/11 22.35 Voz Missionaria - Camboriu PP talk buono 9960 11/11 06.20 R. Vanuatu - Port Vila Bislama MX suff. 10000 10/11 15.00 Italcable - Viareggio IT MX e ora buono 10000 11/11 17.20 BPM - Litong Cinese ID e pip pip buono 11815 13/11 07.50 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP MX buono 11875 13/11 13.50 Reach Beyond Australia - Kylsyth Punjabi talk buono 11880 10/11 15.30 TWR - Manzini Somalo talk buono 11940 13/11 14.20 R. NUG - Birmano MX suff. 15190 11/11 17.30 R. Pilipinas - Manila Filippino NX suff. 15215 10/11 15.40 KSDA - Guam Hindy talk buono 15410 13/11 14.00 KTWR - Guam Kui talk buono NNNN ----



Nel mese di maggio Radio Caroline ha annunciato che la sua richiesta di una licenza di trasmissione in onde media è stata accettata dalle autorità britanniche e che avrebbe iniziato a trasmettere con 1 KW di potenza sulla frequenza di 648 KHz.

"On 17th May 2017 Ofcom informed us that our application for an AM licence had been approved and that a licence will be awarded.
This is the end of – or a further step in – a process started by Bob Lawrence in 2010 and enthusiastically supported by Tracey Crouch MP. We thank them both and further thank the many other people who have helped along the way.
The basis of our application was that our traditional heartland was Essex and Suffolk, where the signal from our ships made first landfall and that we wished to entertain on AM, an audience that we have not been able to serve in this way since 1990.
We said that this audience may hear music radio of a style they remember and in some cases presented by the same people they remember.
That in essence is what we intend to do.
We can also announce that our AM frequency will be 648 kHz with a power of 1000 watts. This is ERP or simply the power radiated by the aerial.
A transmitter has been imported from the Continent and is being modified to suit the frequency. There are further hurdles, but as you can see progress is being made. Watch this space!"

Questo era quanto riportato dal loro sito ufficiale

Nel corso dell'estate anche gli organi di informazione italiani ne avevano data notizia.
Questo quanto riportato dal quotidiano torinese "La stampa" : "Immaginate una macchina del tempo, indietro di 50 anni, vi sarebbe capitato di ascoltare su vecchie radioline in AM (modulazione di ampiezza) una radio nuova e anticonformista per l’epoca, bandita soprattutto dal governo inglese. Nel 1964 Radio Caroline iniziava le sue trasmissioni su una nave, la MV Ross Revenge ancorata al di fuori delle acque territoriali d’Oltremanica, perché la legislazione della terraferma, nel Regno Unito come altrove, finiva a pochi chilometri di distanza dalle coste: oltre quel limite si era in acque internazionali e la legge da osservare era quella del paese in cui era registrata la nave. Se la legge di quel paese non aveva obiezioni contro la trasmissione radiofonica marittima, era possibile far sentire una radio a chi stava sulla terraferma senza essere illegali. Il mito di Radio Caroline non si è mai estinto e coloro che hanno superato gli anta la ricordano ancora". L'articolo intero è visionabile al seguente link:

Anche il sito ha recentemente dedicato un articolo alla storia di Radio Caroline: "A mezzogiorno del 28 marzo 1964, Chris Moore e Simon Dee si trovavano su una nave al largo delle coste dell’Essex, a sudest dell’Inghilterra, e annunciarono l’inizio delle trasmissioni dalla MV Caroline – una vecchia nave passeggeri danese – mandando in onda un messaggio pre-registrato: «Questa è Radio Caroline sul 199, la vostra stazione musicale 24 ore su 24». La prima canzone che venne mandata in onda fu Not Fade Away dei Rolling Stones, dedicata a Ronan O’Rahilly. Erano cominciate le trasmissioni di quella che sarebbe diventata una delle prime “radio pirata” del mondo e certamente la più famosa, la cui storia ha ispirato il celebre film I Love Radio Rock del 2009."

Nel pomeriggio di ieri sono iniziate le prime segnalazioni della presenza in aria di Radio Caroline che stava testando i 648 KHz.
Purtroppo nella mia zona la presenza in isofrequenza di Radio Murski Val dalla Slovenia rende impossibile l'ascolto diretto dell'emittente e cosi per verificare l'effettiva presenza on air dell'emittente ho utilizzato il sito web del ricevitore SDR dell'Università olandese di Twente. Di conseguenza l'ascolto non ha valenza DX ma di mera cronaca dell'avvenimento.

La colonna sonora trasmessa è ovviamente in linea con la tradizione "oldies" dell'emittente con brani d'epoca sempre evergreen. Non a caso, come potete ascoltare  dalla registrazione, dopo l'annuncio con l'identificazione dell'emittente e la richiesta di rapporti d'ascolto hanno mandato in onda "Let it be" dei Beatles. Per la cronaca, nel tardo pomeriggio di ieri, utilizzando filtri stretti e USB, in un momento di parlato dell'emittente solvena, per pochi secondi si sono ascoltate le note di un brano musicale, presumibilmente da Radio Caroline. Troppo poco ovviamente per dire di averla ascoltata, forse nel nord Italia avranno avuto miglior fortuna, aspettiamo le segnalazioni. Nessun problema di ascolto al di la della Manica, come si evince dalla clip audio che vi proponiamo.

Translation with google to help the non italian readers:

In May, Radio Caroline announced that its request for a broadcast media license was accepted by the UK authorities and that it would start transmitting 1 KW of power at 648 KHz.
"On 17th May 2017 Ofcom informed us that our application for an AM license had been approved and that a license would be awarded.
This is the end of - or a further step in - a process begun by Bob Lawrence in 2010 and enthusiastically supported by Tracey Crouch MP. We thank them both and further thank the many other people who have helped along the way.The base of our application was that our traditional heartland was Essex and Suffolk, where the signal from our ships made landfall and that we wanted to entertain on AM, a public that we have not been able to serve in this way since 1990.We said that this audience may hear a radio station of a style they remember and in some cases presented by the same people they remember.That in essence is what we intend to do.We can also announce that our AM frequency will be 648 kHz with a power of 1000 watts. This is ERP or simply the power radiated by the aerial.The transmitter has been imported from the Continent and is being modified to suit the frequency. There are further hurdles, but as you can see progress is being made. Watch this space! "
This was reported from their official website
During the summer, Italian news organizations also had news.This report from the Turin newspaper "La Stampa": "Imagine a time machine, back of 50 years, you would have heard on old AM radios (amplitude modulation) a new and nonconforming radio for the era, banned above all In 1964 Radio Caroline started broadcasting on a ship, the MV Ross Revenge anchored outside the territorial waters of Oltremanica, because the land legislation in the United Kingdom and elsewhere ended just a few miles away from Coasts: beyond that limit was in international waters and the law to be observed was that of the country where the ship was registered. If the law of that country had no objections to the radio broadcasting of the sea, it was possible to make a radio heard to whom it was on the mainland without being illegitimate. The myth of Radio Caroline has never been extinguished and those who have passed the doors still remember it. " The full article can be viewed at the following link: on-mari-QWyBuSKlEukddrCVF8xF0J / page.html

The site has recently dedicated an article to the story of Radio Caroline: "At noon on March 28, 1964, Chris Moore and Simon Dee were on a ship off the coast of Essex, southeast of England , and announced the start of broadcasts from Caroline MV - an old Danish passenger ship - broadcasting a pre-recorded message: "This is Radio Caroline on 199, your music station 24 hours a day." The first song that came broadcast was No Fade Away by Rolling Stones, dedicated to Ronan O'Rahilly. The broadcasts of what would become one of the first "pirated radio" in the world and certainly the most famous, whose story inspired the famous movie I Love Radio Rock of 2009. "
In the afternoon of yesterday, the first reports of the airborne presence of Radio Caroline, which was testing 648 KHz, began. Unfortunately in my area the presence of Radio Murski Val from Slovenia makes it impossible to listen directly to the broadcaster and to verify the actual presence of the broadcaster I used the website of the SDR receiver of the Dutch University of Twente . Consequently, listening has no DX value but a mere chronicle of the event.The transmitted soundtrack is obviously in line with the "oldies" tradition of the broadcaster with evergreen epics. No matter how you can hear from the recording, after the announcement with the issuer's identification and the request for listening reports they aired Beatles "Let It Be". For the record, in the late afternoon of yesterday, using tight filters and USB, at a talk time of the issuer solvena, for a few seconds they heard the notes of a musical song, presumably by Radio Caroline. Too little of course to say that I have heard it, maybe in northern Italy will have been better luck, we wait for the reports. No problem listening to the Channel, as shown by the audio clip we propose.

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