TIME: 22.50 - 23.00 UTC
Hello Francesco, your UNID 8.4.07 6330 Khz wath EXTREME RADIO from Holland. Greetings Marcel/France
L'Amico Silveri Gomez in catalunya su 6330 kHz ha ascoltato RADIO EXTREME nello scorso weekend.Qualcuno conosce l'indirizzo email ???Dario Monferini
Ciao Francesco,sonno Silveri dalla Catalogna. Ho ascoltato il tuo clip, e credo che sei Extreme Radio. Io ho le ascoltato doppo da te all 2304-2329 sign off, e sto sicuro che era Extreme. Ma io non conosco il suo recapito email. Forze lei mi puo aiutare?
Grazie tante Silveri
Hello Francisco: After listening to your clip, checking DX magazines and the web I can say:What I hear on the clip is that he is using 25 watts of power, something about ...010, then the e-mail address: extreme-radio@??.nlThe short word before .nl could be line, but I am at a loss here.Checking the Swedish DX Magazine Eter-Aktuellt gave nothing. Lots of pirates reported, not this one. Checking the web I found an Extreme Radio website, from the UK. Got no info on transmissions on shortwaves there, could be another one. The station you heard is most likely in Britain, his English sounds native, but he got an e-mail address in the Netherlands like many of these pirates. I can't get any further. Get in touch with some Pirate radio specialist, guess you have some in Italy. 73s Ullmar
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