Anna Frank era una ragazzina come tante che si stava affacciando alle esperienze della vita con l'entusiasmo e la fiducia che si hanno a 16 anni. Una ideologia criminale e una guerra dissennata interruppero i suoi sogni e le sue speranze. A pochi mesi dalla fine della guerra lei e la sua famiglia furono catturati dagli occupanti nazisti e avviati in campo di concentramento. Solo il padre sopravvisse e della giovane Anna rimasero solo i diari, scritti nel periodo della clandestinità trascorso in un angusto rifugio nel retro di un appartamento. La radio ha un ruolo importante nella vita in clandestinità, è grazie a un piccolo apparecchio radio ricevuto in cambio del grande ricevitore Philips di casa Frank che Anna e la sua famiglia apprendono dalle radio alleate e dalla radio della resistenza olandese gli sviluppi della guerra. In uno dei capitoli del diario Anna racconta del cambio di apparecchio radio. Questo passo ve lo proponiamo nel video con la voce recitante di DARIA DEFLORIAN nel programma "Ad alta voce" di Radiotre RAI.
Anche nella stesura dei diari la radio ha una importanza rilevante. Iniziati più che altro per dare un senso alla tediosa quotidianità Anna ascolta attraverso la radio della Resistenza olandese un appello del governo in esilio a scrivere quotidianamente avvenimenti ed esperienze dell'occupazione nazista affinché a guerra finita possa costituirsi una memoria condivisa di quel periodo:"Cara Kitty, ieri sera per Radio Orange ha parlato il ministro Bolkestein e ha detto che alla fine della guerra sarà fatta una raccolta di diari e lettere. Naturalmente tutti si sono buttati sul mio diario. Pensa quanto sarebbe interessante se pubblicassi un romanzo sull'Alloggio segreto. Già dal titolo l gente penserebbe che si tratti di un giallo."
E' così che un diario personale si trasforma in una sorta di "progetto editoriale" per il futuro e Anna mette mano a quanto ha scritto e opera una revisione dei testi, forse perché la sua giovane mente già si vede in un futuro di scrittrice.
E' invece da Radio Londra che Anna apprende per la prima volta dell'esistenza dei campi di sterminio nazisti. E' proprio in uno di questi campi, Bergen Belsen, che Anna e la sorella troveranno la morte per tifo tra il febbraio e il marzo del 1945. I diari che erano rimasti nell'appartamento segreto furono ritrovati nel dopoguerra e furono pubblicati in varie edizioni, fino a quella integrale del 1991.
Translation with Google translator to help the non italian Readers
Anna Frank was a girl like so many who was facing the experiences of life with the enthusiasm and confidence that they are at 16 years of age. A criminal ideology and a disillusioned war interrupted his dreams and hopes. A few months after the end of the war, she and her family were captured by Nazi occupiers and started in the concentration camp. Only his father survived and the young Anna remained only the diaries written in the period of hiding in a narrow retreat in the back of an apartment. Radio has an important role in life in secret, thanks to a small radio station received in exchange for the great Philips home receiver Frank, who Anna and her family learn from the allied radio and the radio of Dutch resistance the developments of the war. In one of the chapters of the diary Anna tells about changing the radio. This is the step we propose to you in the video with the voice of DARIA DEFLORIAN in the "Loud" program of Radiotre RAI.
Even in the making of diaries radio has a significant importance. Initiated more to make sense of the tedious daily life Anna listens through the radio of the Dutch Resistance an appeal by the exiled government to daily write about events and experiences of the Nazi occupation so that the end war can be a shared memory of that period: "Dear Kitty, last night for Radio Orange, spoke to Minister Bolkestein and said that at the end of the war there will be a collection of diaries and letters, of course, everyone is thrown into my diary, thinking how interesting it would be if I published a novel on the Secret Housing Already from the title, people would think it was a yellow one. "
This is how a personal diary becomes a sort of "editorial project" for the future and Anna handles what he has written and works on a review of the lyrics, perhaps because his young mind is already seen in a writer's future.
It is instead from Radio London that Anna learns for the first time about the existence of Nazi extermination camps. It is in one of these camps, Bergen Belsen, that Anna and her sister will find their deaths for typhus between February and March 1945. The diaries that remained in the secret apartment were found in the post-war period and were published in various editions , until the full of 1991.
Anna Frank was a girl like so many who was facing the experiences of life with the enthusiasm and confidence that they are at 16 years of age. A criminal ideology and a disillusioned war interrupted his dreams and hopes. A few months after the end of the war, she and her family were captured by Nazi occupiers and started in the concentration camp. Only his father survived and the young Anna remained only the diaries written in the period of hiding in a narrow retreat in the back of an apartment. Radio has an important role in life in secret, thanks to a small radio station received in exchange for the great Philips home receiver Frank, who Anna and her family learn from the allied radio and the radio of Dutch resistance the developments of the war. In one of the chapters of the diary Anna tells about changing the radio. This is the step we propose to you in the video with the voice of DARIA DEFLORIAN in the "Loud" program of Radiotre RAI.
Even in the making of diaries radio has a significant importance. Initiated more to make sense of the tedious daily life Anna listens through the radio of the Dutch Resistance an appeal by the exiled government to daily write about events and experiences of the Nazi occupation so that the end war can be a shared memory of that period: "Dear Kitty, last night for Radio Orange, spoke to Minister Bolkestein and said that at the end of the war there will be a collection of diaries and letters, of course, everyone is thrown into my diary, thinking how interesting it would be if I published a novel on the Secret Housing Already from the title, people would think it was a yellow one. "
This is how a personal diary becomes a sort of "editorial project" for the future and Anna handles what he has written and works on a review of the lyrics, perhaps because his young mind is already seen in a writer's future.
It is instead from Radio London that Anna learns for the first time about the existence of Nazi extermination camps. It is in one of these camps, Bergen Belsen, that Anna and her sister will find their deaths for typhus between February and March 1945. The diaries that remained in the secret apartment were found in the post-war period and were published in various editions , until the full of 1991.
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